2nd International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems, Irkutsk (Rusia). 11-14 agosto 2003
Deregulated electricity markets are very often oligopolistic ones. Transmission constraints can significatively increase generators market power. Given the peculiar characteristics of electricity markets, new tools are required to quantify the generators market power. This paper presents such a tool, based on Cournot-like network analysis. The theoretical basis of the method as well as a study case are included.
Palabras clave: Power system economics, Interconnected powersystems.
Fecha de publicación: 2003-08-11.
J. Barquín, M. Vázquez, Cournot equilibrium computation on electricity networks, 2nd International Conference on Liberalization and Modernization of Power Systems, Irkutsk (Rusia). 11-14 agosto 2003.